Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Get up, Get, Get down!

"UP" Sound for Film Profile from Michael Coleman on Vimeo.

Embedded in a bass bin, downing in waves of sound, It is only when you cut off the other senses do you realize the powerful visual component of sound. Sound, like light is time based medium of motion. Our eyes as well as our ears are constantly scanning input, condensing patterns from the deluge of noise. But in the condensation, much is lost.What is left out is as often as important as what is left in. The nature of reality is horribly illusionary and subjective. Input streams alter and distort other streams. Mental constructs are often at odds with the input yet somehow in the end we reconcile the conflicting information, make sense of the senseless and construct a seamless model, oblivious to the glaring inadequacies of our creation, the inherent error in our calculations. Watching this video on sound design is a fascinating look at the art of illusion. It gloriously reveals the intricate matrix of one of the many facets of world creation. Watching the wave forms next to the visuals reminds me of those brilliant cut away illustrations that littered the books of my youth.The industrial drawing of car motors laid bare was like mechanical porn to me.By revealing the hidden underbelly, the lost data stream is reconstructed, allowing the observer to apply new rule sets to the filtering. The prolific downloading of pro tool files on bit torrent reveal the innate desire to pull back the curtain, to reveal the date in its true form. I would love to see DVD extras that reveal all the data streams in layers, allowing the viewers to dissect the source material. Shake node structures, wave files, sound processing structures, original green screen shots, and storyboards all running concurrently in layers. The process and product in one.Anyway, UP rules and made me cry like a bitch. Twice.

Friday, June 19, 2009

This guy put's the Yo in Yo Mamma!

The other day Target was handing out Yo-Yo's as some strange sort of
promotion that was sheer brilliance in disguise. Within 20 minutes hundreds
of folks were getting freaky with their spinning plastic bundles of joy. As I
struggled to get the blasted contraption to do much of anything beside sit
sadly on the ground in a limp, tangled mass, I gleefully recalled my
childhood obsession with the Smother brother's and the months I spent
walking the dog, and shooting the moon, and spanking the monkey. So,
just in case you forgot that Asians will always be better than you in
absolutely everything, here's another reminder.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Crippled Avengers

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Spinning ninja's!!

When looking back thru histories rose colored glasses, events lose their objectivity. The true character is lost to an idealized vision, genius is instant, and in hindsight all is apparent. Emotion is lost as facts are stated, and in a sense the event as it was suffers a gradual death as myth takes root. In the pantheon of music, John Cage is bestowed great honor, but it is easy to forget the true genius of the joker. I never really felt his work until I heard the laughter, surprise, and confusion of the audience. The audience is the the fabric upon which his sound is laid, it's medium of vibration. Without it, his work is like a scream in space, lost in the vacuum of academia.

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